It seems like woodworking is in the blood. Like many luthiers, Trevor Kronbauer had a father with a passion for wood and he learned an appreciation for craftsmanship at an early age. It was luthier Ted Thompson, however, who guided Trevor in learning the art of guitarbuilding during the two years Trevor spent in his employ before setting out on his own.
The first Kronbauer guitars hit the scene in 2001. Unlike some guitarmakers who attempt to command top dollar for their guitars from the start in the hopes that some people will assume that higher cost means higher quality, Trevor felt strongly that he should start at the bottom and work up to build a name for himself and to build a base of very satisfied customers. As satisfied buyers from those early Ebay sales spread the word, Trevor began to receive more and more orders.
There are very, very few places where one can purchase a quality, handcrafted, and fully custom guitar for less than the price of many factory guitars. It's therefore not at all surprising that the positive reaction to Trevor's work eventually reached the Acoustic Guitar Forum in 2005 and his guitars quickly became the hottest topic of discussion of 2005/2006 as member after member ordered and quickly received an outstanding custom guitar at an almost unheard of price.
Though he is happy to cater to the taste of both traditional and modern guitar enthusiasts, Trevor's true passion is for building unique guitars of his own designs rather than cookie cutter copies of guitars from other successful luthiers and guitar companies. Though a "signature tone" is always difficult to capture with words, the
outstanding projection and sustain of Trevor's guitars are almost always the elements that buyers point to when giving positive feedback. The majority of Kronbauer owners to this point have been fingerstyle guitarists, though Trevor can build guitars with tonal characteristics and setup details that will satisfy those who prefer flatpicking or strumming.
If you'd like to be the first one on the block with a Kronbauer and would like the privilege of saying you discovered a tremendous but unknown talent... I'm afraid it's too late. But if you'd like to end up with the custom handmade instrument that you've always wanted at a price you can hardly believe, seriously consider purchasing or placing an order for a Kronbauer as soon as possible. The waiting list is now at a year and growing, so it's doubtful that this opportunity will remain such a tremendous value for long. is one of only a few Kronbauer dealers in the world. We often have finished Kronbauer guitars in stock at no markup over Trevor's standard price and have a small number of reserved build slots available each year with a greatly reduced wait time.
Questions? Ready to purchase? Call us at 317-509-4247 or email us at
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