The Wright Place
This is where we hang our hats...
Back to Family
New Roof, no ugly green bush by the front step.
For some reason the texture of the roof is all messed up in the picture. You'll just have to imagine that it looks better than the old roof. Andy wants to paint the creamy tan taupe what color is that? parts white. I'm hoping to put in some landscaping and clean up the overgrown perennial bed on the left. Among many other things.
May 2007
The house before we bought it.
August 2006
By the way, many of these pictures were taken before we bought the house.
We're on a corner, so more of our lot is to the side.
This view is from the front.
August 2006
Side view of the house and our backyard
August 2006
The old kitchen
August 2006
The other side of the old kitchen
August 2006
Here's the latest in the kitchen, it got a coat of paint and I changed out the handles on the cabinets. Nothing too drastic. My mom and sis painted it for me, and it was a good 4 or 5 days before I realized that they painted the kitchen the same as the dining room. Which, wasn't the can of paint I had intended to use up, but oh well. It's done now.
The painted kitchen
August 2006
The other side of the painted kitchen
August 2006
I'm probably not the only one with this problem. If you stack your cookies sheets and the like vertically, they're a mess to dig through when it's time to use one. But, if you stack them on their sides, they all fall over. So, I went to Home Depot with the intent of making a rack of some kind to keep my pans upright. (Between wedding gifts, downsizing relatives, and what the previous owners left behind, I've acquired quite a few.) Well, one of the friendly sales people came up with this idea... which I am absolutely thrilled with. A support bracket for a closet rod, mounted upside down. I bought 3, but it turned out that 1 did the job. Maybe I'll use one of the leftover brackets in another cabinet for cutting boards and toaster oven trays.
By the way, the sales person that helped me with this was not one of the 4 that I saw today that asked how I was doing and where the baby was. They know me all too well over there. :)
Getting organized
February 2007
Back of the house
August 2006
Dining room then. (This picture is taken just inside the front door.)
August 2006
Dining room now. It has become an office...
Not the best room to see when you first walk in, but it's convenient.
January 2007
Living room. We're using one end for our kitchen table.
Early January 2007
New sofa arrived at last.
Mid January 2007
Our sitting area now that all the furniture has arrived.
Also added a little color to the walls.
Mid January 2007
The playroom... we added rubber mats when we discovered
the gouges in the floor from those bulky toys. Plus the coffee table.
February 2007

The kids' room, Annika's half.
September 2007

New baby's half.
September 2007
The floors had a few bad wear spots...
August 2006
This spot looked the worst, but came completely out in refinishing.
A few other places didn't look so bad, but they're still there.
August 2006
This tile between the living room
and dining room just had to go.
August 2006
Here's the replacement
December 2006